I am awful at this blogging thing but now maybe since I have a follower (Hi
Kristen!) it will challenge me to blog more!
Well a whole month went by and I didn't blog about anything and so I will catch you up a little bit but with very little words.
-April 1st Opening Day for the Diamondbacks! Go Dbacks!
-Solace had its first "big" show with our buds War of Ages and a few other
Facedown Bands it was a blast!
-Drove to Albuquerque, NM at the beginning of the month for my friends Brandi and Levi's wedding (I drove 12.5 straight through the night! It was a fun accomplishment!)
-While I Breathe had a reunion show and it was awesome and so great to see so many faces I hadn't seen in years!
-We (Solace) got to host one of my very favorite bands
My Epic it was a night of blessing!
-Solace hosted its first Good Friday service and it was awesome!
And now that pretty much brings you up to speed we are in May now! I cannot believe that its May already!
On Saturday I went bargin hunting with Kristen and Daniel these were my finds!
All items here cost me $3.75!
Also on Saturday I went to a Birthday party for my friend Micah and let me tell you that family knows how to host a party! It was truly a fiesta!
So I have started to coupon clip! Its been fun and I am not too awesome at it just yet but I am hoping to get there! There is a lot to learn! This is what my front room looked like Sunday afternoon
Today was Ravioli Day these pictures say everything;
So much fun to clean up! Haha!
Ok its time for sleep but I want to live you with some of my favorite faces! I get to spend my days with these cuties!
Don't they just make you smile?! :)